Funny, Loser and his MAGA Trumplican party HATE Muslims, even though they share a similar philosophy
(too old to reply)
2024-03-08 02:28:15 UTC
Tennessee Taliban?
Yeah "Tennessee Taliban," stings I know but there it hangs.
STILL can't understand why liberal Democrats are so in love with Muslims.
MAGA Trumplicans are against contraception.
MAGA Trumplicans are against abortion.
Muslims are FOR killing homosexuals. (RUN, TODDLER... RUNNNNN!)
MAGA Trumplicans are FOR killing homosexuals. (RUN, LOSER... RUNNNNN!)
Muslims are FOR their old men raping little boys. (RUN, TODDLER... RUNNNNN!)
MAGA Trumplicans are FOR their old men raping little boys. (RUN,
Muslims are against pre-marital sex.
MAGA Trumplicans are against pre-marital sex.
Muslims are FOR treating women as slaves and chattel.
MAGA Trumplicans are FOR treating women as slaves and chattel.
So, if Muslims hold these ideals, why do you Democrats LOVE Muslims
So, if Muslims hold these ideals, why do you MAGA Trumplicans HATE
2024-03-08 05:04:31 UTC
STILL can't understand why liberal Democrats are so in love with Muslims.

Muslims are FOR killing homosexuals.

Muslims are FOR their old men raping little boys.

Muslims are against abortion.

Muslims are against contraception.

Muslims are against pre-marital sex.

Muslims are FOR treating women as slaves and chattel.

So, if Muslims hold these ideals, why do you Democrats LOVE Muslims, but hate
Christians? See [1].

Muslims HATE you.

Am I leaving anything else out that you just LOVE about Muslims?

[1] Oh yeah... Obama is a Muslim, so all is forgiven?

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The lyin' liberals also used to love Russia, till we Trumplicans took over in
2017 after Trump whooped that wide load Tubby Clinton's ass.

STILL can't understand why liberal Democrats are so in hate with Russia these
days. They LOVED Russian politics, i.e., Socialism/Communism until Trump
whooped that wide-load Clinton's fat ass. Fucking hypocrites.

The REAL Russian colluder.

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Governor Swill
2024-03-08 13:32:41 UTC
Post by super70s
Tennessee Taliban?
Yeah "Tennessee Taliban," stings I know but there it hangs.
STILL can't understand why liberal Democrats are so in love with Muslims.
They don't love them, they just don't hate them.

Now the Saudis, yeah, I hate them, but not all Muslims. Just the Arabs.

"There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them."

When Donald Trump was in third grade . . .

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

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